CHC President Dr. Halatsis among the others, ENDORSES NICK MANTAS for Toronto City Councilor

NICK MANTAS WINS! Senator Housakos, Canadian Hellenic Congress and 11 other Ethnic organizations and individuals supported NICK MANTAS
O Νίκος, το παιδί μας απο την ΑΡΚΑΔΙΑ κέρδισε την εκλογική νίκη. Δημοτικός Σύμβουλος Τορόντο στην περιοχή Scarboro -Agincourt.
Μια άλλη τρανή απόδειξη, οτι οι συμμαχίες με άλλες φίλες εθνότητες ΔΟΥΛΕΥΟΥΝ. Αυτό κάνουμε εμείς. Αυτό κάνει την στιγμή αυτή η Ελλάδα!
Τέλος στην Εσωστρέφεια

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Click Link above to see and listen Senator's Housakos message

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May 2019 Left Leo Housakos, Theodore Halatsis, Eleni Bakopanos fourth Jim Karygiannis who sign the supporting banner above and last on the right in front of the Canadian Hellenic Congress (CHC) banner Nick Mantas,member of the Genocide Committee of the CHC

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From left Soudas, Housakos, Pappas, Iliopoulou, Batters, Blanas and Nick Mantas (CHC- PanArcadian)

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From left Housakos, Bakopanos, Babikian (supporter on the top banner), Adamidis, Halatsis, Pappas

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Zoi Iliopoulou member of the National Council of the CHC in City Hall Toronto with Nick Mantas