The Canadian Hellenic Congress (CHC)
has initiated a petition in the House of Commons
for the recognition of the Genocide of the Greeks
of the Ottoman Empire – as a whole – that is,
of Eastern Thrace, Asia Minor, and Pontos, from 1908 to 1924,
and to acknowledge the associated commemorative days
of April 6 (Eastern Thrace), May 19 (Pontos) and September 14 (Asia Minor).

Dear friend,

As you are aware, we are not asking for anything more or less than what the Canadian government has afforded to others, such as the Jewish community for their Holocaust, the Armenian and Rwandan communities for their genocides, the Ukrainian community for its Holomodor, amongst others…

We are not seeking this recognition out of spite or vengeance, nor are we seeking restitution or reparations; we are seeking to raise awareness, to sensitise, to educate and to prevent future genocidal acts against humanity…

There are 2 ways to sign the electronic petition:

1) by clicking on this link: hoc


2) through the attached QR code BELOW


OR Click the above PATTERN to read AND SCAN the SAME as ABOVE PATTERN

If you have already signed the electronic petition, thank you!

Please send this to as many of your family, friends and contacts as possible, so that they may sign it as well.

It is important that we achieve the recognition of the Greek Genocide by the Canadian government, NOT for the CHC, not ONLY for Canadians, but for ALL of humanity…
